Thursday, October 18, 2018

Making Banga Soup

We have a beautiful yard which has lots of wonderful trees in it.  One has oranges, another bananas.  The one pictured below is a species of palm tree.

Along the trunk are bunches of palm kernels that look like this:

One Nigerian delicacy that is made from this is "Banga Soup".  It is quite the process to make, and its preparation becomes a group affair.  Here are some snapshots of the process below.
Palm kernels being cooked down.

At the same time the cocoyam is also cooked until soft.

Next, the palm kernels are pounded down using a mortar and pestle.

Greens are washed

Cocoyam is also pounded

Palm kernels have been cooked down.
Parts all come together...

And then....I forgot to take a picture of the final product and all of us enjoying it too!!  Oops.
But there is a wonderful website called All Nigerian Recipes that also shares the process.  P.S.  It is a great website if you want to try making your own Nigerian food!

Here is the link for Banga Soup:

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