Thursday, April 12, 2018

Eunice's 40th Birthday Testimony

Eunice is one of the first friends I made when I moved to Nigeria in 2001.  Her and her family have been like family to me.  We have shared many joys and sorrows together.  She is kind, loving, and encouraging!

Here are some old pictures I pulled up from my archives...

Now here is the thing about Eunice.

She has sickle cell anemia.  This is a blood disorder connected to her red blood cells that cause problems such as attacks of pain (crisis).  Most people's life expectancy is much lower.  I personally know a number of people who have died from this disorder in the years I have been here.

Well, last month we celebrated Eunice's 40th birthday!  See her testimony as posted on Facebook below:

God is sooooo great!!!!
As a child, I heard quite a few negative statements from Doctors, teachers, relatives, books, et. al, that I may not make it to my 20s, but God’s protection, the love of my family and friends countered this horrible thought.
Today, I am forty. So, sickle cell anemia, EAT YOUR HEART OUT. I have won this battle. Cheers to the next flawless 40 years filled with love, joy, grace, favour, open doors, blessings and protection.

And so we had a PARTY!  In true Eunice fashion, we celebrated in style.  The 40 guests were all asked to dress in white.  We had a beautiful dinner and a time of reminiscing on Eunice's life and what she means to us.  And of course laughing and dancing!

photo credit @olatoxic

photo credit @olatoxic

photo credit @olatoxic

photo credit @olatoxic

photo credit @olatoxic

photo credit @olatoxic

Join us in praising God for Eunice's life!