Monday, September 21, 2015

Walking with Mrs. Belolisa.

My name is Ngozi Joy Belolisa.  I am a trained Guidance Counsellor and NILD Level I Therapist, also work with children who learn differently.

Why are you passionate about Christian Education?  It has led me to see the importance of intentional and deliberate planning and choosing of teaching materials. Christian Education has taught me to go the extra mile, to see my students as God image bearers.

What is the biggest challenge you see in the education system in Nigeria? There are many challenges!  Some include the constant change of schemes (what needs to be taught) and pedagogy (how it is taught) policies. There is a neglect of the political history of the nation as well as the high cost of ‘standard’ private schools.

My dream is to see a nation where children from the poor, the average and rich backgrounds attend school in an environment that is conducive, where equal opportunity is given to those who really want to study (not based on Geo-political zones) and where technical and entrepreneur skills are encouraged.  Transformation can only come when the people are transformed by the Word of Truth. When we all become light and salt in our little corners.

Sheila is a friend (even though we only meet during ACSI Steering committee and Prayer Altar meetings)  Her commitment, passion and zeal for the work of the Master in a foreign land.

I see my role in transformation being to be right and do right even when nobody is watching me. Please join me in praying that I will be steadfast in the area of my calling and always look unto God for blessings.

Mrs. Belolisa is the 4th person on the left.

1 comment:

beeh said...

Nice blog! keep it up