Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Snowflakes are Special

 I met Ann Williams in 2009.  She was teaching at Westwood Park School located in Jos, Nigeria.  She was part of a training that CRWM was putting on for teachers with Ko Spyksma.  One training was entitled “For the Love of the Child”.  The goal of the training was to deepen teachers’ understanding of the potential for Christian education in the West African context .  One point that struck many teachers was the idea that each child that is taught is created in the image of God.  This challenged the typical teacher-student relationship.  Ann was one of these teachers for whom this training left a lasting impression.
I have had the privilege of getting together many times with Ann since that time.  She has attended more trainings and talks about the impact of Christian education strategies on schools in Nigeria.  The discussion of timely topics like corporal discipline and classroom management have brought about changes in how the today’s teachers relate to students.  Each child is valued for their uniqueness and creativity.  Each child is an image-bearer of the Creator. 
Last week I had the opportunity to visit Ann again in Jos.  I hadn’t seen her for a while, so it was great to catch up.  As I stepped into her office the first thing that caught my eye was her bulletin board.  There was a snowflake.  The message next to it read:  “Like snowflakes, every child is special.”  This was a focus during one of the trainings Ann had received some time back!

We got to sit down and chat. Ann has been doing trainings of her own too.  She takes what she has learned and “steps it down” to take the information to the other staff at her school. But other schools have also called her.  She has been asked to help with school improvement and quality assurance.  She takes what she has learned, resources recommended to her, and passes on what she is learning to others. 
I am reflecting on that message on her wall – each child is indeed special.  And every teacher is special too!  I am thankful for the variety of teachers I have the privilege of working with.  And I thank God for their uniqueness and how God is using them to share His love with other teachers and children.  Thank you, God, for the work you have given me, to spread Christian education initiatives on fertile ground.

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