Friday, October 19, 2018

Meeting Little Sheila

So, one of the interesting aspects of Nigerian culture and customs is the significance around names.  Many children are given multiple names at birth by different people who are significant in the lives of the parents.  Many names are reflect the events and circumstances surrounding the pregnancy or birth of the child.

Meet little Sheila.
Left to Right:  Big Sheila, Little Sheila, Patience

Little Sheila was growing in her mother's tummy during the launching of the Teacher's Transforming Nigeria Program in May of 2016.  Her mother, Patience, was one of the participants in this program.  She and her husband have started a school called "Bethel Livingstone Academy" and she found the one month training very useful in equipping her with tools she needed to lead the staff of her school.  Since this event was significant in Patience's life and the life of her family and school, they decided that one of the names they would give her daughter was...Sheila!  What an honour.

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