This past weekend, I partnered with a fellow Nigerian Education Consultant to lead a seminar on teaching methods. Two specific methods we dealt with were: Inductive Teaching, and Scientific Inquiry. Both of these methods are not common in a typical Nigerian classroom, where transmission of facts through lecture, note taking, and memorization is the order of most days. These methods both involve asking questions of the students.
I was reminded once again of the power of questions. God has set in His creation so much for us to explore - not just to be told about. How will we explore? To ask questions. If we want to be effective citizens of God's kingdom, we need be able to think critically about information we receive, the society we live in. How will we bring ourselves to distinguish that which is truth? To ask questions. If we want to bring others into a living relationship with Him, we need got it: Ask questions.
Its been just over 4 months since I have arrived here in my new position. This first 6 months has been set aside specifically for listening and learning. Here are some questions I have been exploring.
*What is on ground here in West Africa in the area of Christian Education?
*How does the education system work in general?
*What is the best way to connect with teachers? schools? students?
*What needs are expressed?
*How can we together build capacity of Christian Education?
*What could it look like to walk alongside an initiative?
*Is there a specific strategy that should be adopted?
*How can we work in a way that empowers nationals? That is sustainable?
*Who could be key leaders in this movement? Do they feel called? Are they available?
*Do we work on a national level? Establish an association?
*Do we work with individual schools? Should certain schools be trained to develop as model schools?
*What is realistic and achievable in terms of setting goals?
*What will have long-term impact?
So many questions...
I have met with a variety of people to explore such questions. Teachers, principals, heads of schools, parents, friends, church leaders, education stakeholders, fellow missionaries.
I have partnered with Nigerians who are working to establish a national christian schools association. I have visited schools and classrooms. I have partnered with Nigerians (and fellow missionaries) to lead seminars and workshops.
I have prayed alot. I have listened alot.
Do I have all the answers? No way. Am I wiser for the experience thus far? Certainly.
I love asking questions. It helps me to focus on what I need to do and where I need to go. It helps me to become a more effective citizen of God's kingdom. It reminds me that I am on a journey, and that my life - my work - is a process. It reminds me that I am not there yet, and need to keep growing.
I know that God has a plan. I continue to rest assured that it will be made known all in His time. That He will answer the questions that need answering. My job is to be faithful and diligent with what He has given me thus far. And keep asking questions.
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