This is the theme banner of the ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) Leadership Conference held in Abuja on April 23,24.
Representatives from ACSI Africa came as conference speakers: Director Samson Makhado (bottom, right) spoke on the essentials of a Christian School, and an overview of Christian Education in the continent of Africa. Teacher and principal Greg Stokell (bottom, left) spoke about biblical worldview as a framework for school leadership, as well as the implications of biblical worldview in the classroom.

We fellowshipped and worshipped together,

learned and prayed together,

This teacher (above)is taking part in an exercise demonstrating an alternative teaching method, using different coloured hats to get students to express ideas from a variety of perspectives. Most classes in Nigeria are limited to a concept being presented by the teacher writing a note on the board, and the students copying it. Demonstrating and having teachers practice alternative strategies encourages them to see that these can be applied in their own classrooms as well.
The topic here was abortion. When someone wears the yellow hat, they are allowed to express what people might consider to be "advantages" to abortion. Wearing a different coloured hat gives students opportunities to share "facts", "disadvantages", "opinions", "what the Bible has to say", etc...
Here are various members of the steering committee who put this initiative into action...

Mrs. Yakubu (left) is a proprietress of a primary and a secondary school. Mrs. Mokuolo (right) is the proprietress of a primary school. They both reside in Abuja. They are very interested in exploring ways to have meaningful Christian Education in their schools.

Rex (above) is what we call a "teacher candidate". This means someone who is looking for a job. He has been visiting the Daniel Center and showing interest in this movement of Christian Education. He went and delivered invitations to schools, and is sitting on the Steering Committee for Christian Education in Abuja. And, believe it or not, the day before the conference, he was offered a teaching position! God is good!
Note: The pictures of me are on someone else's camera... So you will have to wait until I am back in Nigeria to share some of those!
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