What is your name?
#Flensted Omiunu
What is your position/work? What do you do?
#Am working as a General Manager in a construction company and am an Architect.
What is your relationship to Sheila?
#She is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Why are you passionate about Christian Education?
#I love imparting knowledge, it's my gift.
What is the biggest challenge you see in the education system in Nigeria? Why?
#Government needs to invest in the sector, teachers need to improve themselves and parents need to get involved in their wards' education.
What is your dream for education in Nigeria?
#Good education, affordable and available to all.
What will it take to bring about transformation?
#A leader; president or minister who has a passion for education.
What do you see as YOUR role in bringing about that transformation?
#Becoming a teacher.
What have you learned while interacting and “walking with” Sheila?
#If we could replace the word "passion" the word would be "Sheila". Her desire is to educate children.
How can I pray specifically for you in your work/ministry?
#That I am able to achieve my dreams
This week's "Walking With.." feature is a dear friend of mine. I have known Flensted almost as long as I have lived in Nigeria - that's about 14 years! We have spoken on and off about his potential and passion for teaching. While he isn't presently teaching in a school in an official capacity, his story is one I hear regularly as I interact with people in Nigeria. Here is a man interested in teaching - and would make an excellent teacher. But he is also very aware that a teacher does not have a very high salary which makes it very challenging to support a family on. And so for now, he does other work and teaching and learning about teaching on the side. He has been involved in teaching Sunday school, discipleship classes, etc.. It is my prayer that one day he gets his teaching degree and enters the classroom! There are many professionals who are serving as bankers, lawyers, architects, etc.. in order to provide for their families - but their passion is to teach. Please join me in praying for Flensted and others like him!