What is your name?
---Daniel Alatise
What is your position/work? What do you do?
------I am a teacher with Meadow Hall School Lagos. I teach ICT* to junior school and college students**.
What is your relationship to Sheila?

----- Vast. Started as trainer/trainee, then mentor/mentee, then friends, now brother/sister. Basically she is my friendly mentor.
Why are you passionate about Christian Education?
----Praising God and acknowledging Him in all we do is an integral part of life and Christian Education teaches how to see life from the bible's view.
What is the biggest challenge you see in the education system in Nigeria? Why?
-----Death of quality education, Lack of motivated teachers/ students.
Lack of quality education largely due to outdated curricula, teaching methods and facilities.
Lack of motivated teachers owing to inadequate pay. Lack of motivated students because they don't see education as the way forward.
What is your dream for education in Nigeria?
---- Wholesome ICT complaint education with ambient environment, optimum number of students in a classroom with qualified and motivated teachers. Also prospects and enthusiasm in students.
What will it take to bring about transformation?
---- A lot, change in the mindset, change in funding, prospects for graduates to increase morale of undergraduates.
What do you see as YOUR role in bringing about that transformation?
---- I have always and will always continue to give nothing short the best and world class education to my students. I do a lot of research to find out the best and current ICT trends. I also try train and help colleagues to improve their teaching skills. Lastly, I pray and motivate my students.
Daniel's classroom display |
What have you learned while interacting and “walking with” Sheila?
---- Sheila is an amazing person. She exudes a lot even without her knowing. Aside learning more about Christian Education, she taught me about displays, ICT in teaching & learning and classroom management.
How can I pray specifically for you in your work/ministry?
---- I pray for the grace to understand my students more each day and also that they understand me. Especially my college students, sometimes they don't put in as much effort as they should and make a lot of noise. It saddens me sometimes as I try my best to give the best and it’s like I'm not doing much. So I will really appreciate help in this area of being able to motivate my students to give their best at all times.
*ICT is Information and Communication Technology
** Meadow Hall school is based on the British system – junior school is the equivalent of North American elementary school and college is equivalent to high school.
To learn more about Daniel, you can read a previous blog I posted a few years ago, simply titled “Daniel”. Since that time though, it has been exciting to have him lead others in the area of ICT training, and being a good teacher generally! :)