Last night our newest colleagues, George and Sara Ahiome, arrived in Nigeria. We are excited to have them around!
We had a "Daniel Center" family dinner of pounded yam and vegetable soup.
Over dinner we had some lively conversation about corruption in Nigeria. As we exchanged stories of bribery and how the system doesn't function here as it could, our dialogue shifted to reflect on the question, "What will it take to bring about transformation in Nigeria?"
This is a topic about which everyone seems to have an opinion. Does it need to happen from the top down? The bottom up? What role can the church play? What about education?
I was touched by their passion. Kaka shared about how he believes our leaders need to lead aright and the rest will follow. But he also said that he has his part to play. One example he mentioned is how important it is for him to invest in his "younger ones" - his family - cousins, nephews and nieces by making sure they get a good education and have good examples in their lives. I thank God for people like Kaka and the example he is!
Kaka is the man in the middle in the white kaftan. |