The training program was three months in length. The participants were people who either had graduated with teaching degrees and not yet found a teaching job, or people who were passionate about teaching but didn't have teaching degrees. Teachers had a variety of training that broadened their knowledge base about teaching, they observed classes and even did some teaching as well. They did group projects which they presented to their colleagues. One of the aims of the program is to give teachers more practical teaching and learning experiences, and broaden their knowledge base and experience in the classroom.
I was able to work with the teachers for one week. What fun it was! We covered topics from lesson planning to classroom management. One of the other topics was creating bulletin boards.
The graduate teachers had a good time. I loved their openness to new ideas -as well as their freedom to ask questions of how these ideas practically work in the day to day life of a teacher. I also had the opportunity to challenge teachers to think about what difference their faith might make as they approach these various topics.
Fast forward a few months.
I returned to Meadow Hall school to participate in a teachers "camp" that the consult holds for schools all over Nigeria. Daniel, who was one of the graduate teachers has now been hired as a teacher for Meadow Hall. Daniel had been a quiet, yet very reflective participant during the graduate training program. He now had more questions for me. Daniel is someone who takes in a training, but is thinking all along how the training can possibly be put into action in his context. He is an ICT (Information Communication
Technology) teacher. He wanted to know how classroom management would work when different students are coming and going everyday. He wanted to know how he could possibly add "activities" when there was so much "content" to teach. It was great! I happened to pass by the computer room and saw some beautiful and creative bulletin boards - yep, they were his! He had even reflected on the connections between faith and technology. I was impressed.
Here are a few of his displays:
Daniel also continues to email me on occasion to give me "updates". Here are a few below:
Hello miss Sheila, trust you great.Okay, I have tried out Edmodo and I have signed my year 7 classes on Edmodo. The response? Impressive!First it was the acceptance rate, they all loved it. Next it was the use they put it to, sharing links and discussing assignments. I also give them notes and assignments via Edmodo. They copy their notes at their leisure time (not eating into my lecture time).
Well its been good so far and thank you for sharing the link with us.
Okay miss Sheila, would still see any more interesting uses I can put it to. Actually you can download Edmodo apps to enhance Edmodo features. So Edmodo can be 'expanded' so to say, not downloaded any app so far but would give you feed back when I do.
intend to use Edmodo chat during the midterm break to hold a revision
class. That is we all set a date to be on Edmodo and chat as a class
Also used a thunk as a starter today; "What colour would a zebra be if the stripes are taken
off?" Not bad miss Sheila. Thank you and God bless you too...
And one more sample:
Okay to more matters, I had a formal observation yesterday and it went well in other terms but there was a but. The principal said it was too 'about me', lecture like. You said the same thing but now I understand the context in which you were talking. You used the word 'elicit' she used facilitate and I understood hers more. So what I'll do in my classes is to make the students do a little research on the internet then we discuss what they have found and I explain more and correct. Or such similar stuff.
It is not often that teachers come back and share EXACTLY how they are putting ideas into practice in their classroom. But when they do, it's really encouraging. Join me in thanking God for Daniel! Pray that God would continue to challenge him and use him to reach the lives of his students as well.
Some of the participants at Educamp. Daniel is standing behind me. |